* Amarillas - Ar * La Brujula - Ar * Aonde - BR * Auxilio-a-Lista - BR * BoaDica - Pesquisa de preços * BrazilBiz2Biz - BR * Bulas de Medicamentos * Buscas - BR * buscasp - BR * Cade - BR * Domínio Público - Pesquisa Básica * Fapesp - Pesquisa de Domínios - BR * GLIX - Directory - BR * Lokaliza - BR * ZapBusca - BR * AEIOU - Pt * SAPO - Pt * Biwe - Spain * Alta Vista - USA * ASK - USA * Alexa - USA * Clusty - USA * Dogpile US * Excite - USA * - USA * Google Search Engine - EUA * Green Maven - USA * HostSearch * HotBot - USA * Internic (domain regist.) * Jayde - USA * Kellysearch - USA * Live Search - USA * Lycos - USA * LookSmart - USA * MetaCrawler * Open Directory - DMOZ * QRCodes-Index - USA * Switchboard - USA * Starting Point - USA * TutSearch * Web Search - USA * Yahoo - USA * ZoomInfo - USA
SOCIAL NETWORK * Addict-o-matic - social media monitoring * Board Reader - Message Board Search * FriendORFollow * Gravatar - Globally Recognized Avatars * * HowSociable - visibility of your brand * KnowEm checks brand name Social Media websites * Less Friends * Monitter - twitter monitor * Mr. Tweet - Your Personal Networking Assistant * namechk - Check username or vanity url * Nearby Tweets - geography–centric social tool for networking * * Refollow - * Retweetrank * Retweetist - tracking Retweets * Sideline - Twitter search tool * socialmention - A social media search engine * Socialoomph - (TweetLater) * - shorten long URL into a Tiny URL * twazzup - Twetter search engine * Tweepler - Twitter Followers * TweepSearch * TweetBeep - Twitter Alerts by Email * Tweetburner * Tewwter Counter * Twetter Grader * - job board INSTANT notification of open positions via text messaging * TweetScan - search for words on Twitter * TweetStats - Tag cloud for last 500 Tweets * TweetVolume - tag, word popularity * Twitster - Twitter groups for your website * TwitPic - share photos on Twitter * TwitPWR - Short URL Service with Stats & Analytics * Twitter * Twitter Tags - directory * TwitterGroups - groups in Twitter * TwitterFeed * Twibs - business directory * Twingly - Microblog Search * twubs - #hashtags made usefull * * Usernamecheck - check name * WeFollow - Twitter Directory